This page holds further information, policies and documentation. Please contact us if you have any questions or require clarification.
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We are always recruiting for new players aged 13-18. Both of our age group teams are open to boys and girls. There is no previous experience needed in order to join our team! We are looking for big kids and small kids, slow kids and fast kids, short kids and tall kids - there is a place in the Seahawks for anyone that wants to join!
We don't run trials for new players, we are entirely open and if a new player likes us and wants to join, we will always say yes. Each new player is entitled to 3 training sessions before they have to register with us and the league in order to be eligible to play and train with us.
Who can join and how do I join ?
Anyone aged 13-18 can join! If you are 19, as long as you were 18 on 31st August 2021 you can join us for the 2025 season. To join, all you have to do is attend one of our training sessions ​and the staff will provide you with all the information you need. If you have questions in the meantime, contact us through the Contact Us area of the website or email at solentamericanfootball@gmail.com
What if I am under 13 ?
In the UK the youngest age to play contact football is 13. The only option for kids under 13 is non-contact Flag Football. This is a fun, safe and effective way to learn the basic skills, without worrying about being tackled. We share coaches with the South Coast Spitfires Flag Team and we highly recommend them for kids wanting to take up the sports under the age of 13. For more information contact them at southcoastspitfires@gmail.com or through their social media pages
How much does it cost ?
We are currently reviewing our subs structure and will update shortly, however this cost covers all training, home gamedays and use of the helmets and shoulder pads. The only additional costs may be for National Finals trips and also a weekend training camp which we try to run annually in March. ​
Where do you train, and when ?
We train at Richard Taunton College on Hill Lane in Southampton. We are there every Sunday, with the Under 16 team training from 10am until 12:30pm and the Under 19 team training from 11am until 1:30pm. We have rookie days for new players in November and train through to mid December and then from January through to August. ​
Do I need to have played before or know what position I want to play?
Not at all! Our coaches are highly skilled at bringing new players along and will ensure all new players are welcomed and taught how to play and enjoy the sport in a safe environment. You can try as many positions as you want, before settling on one you like in consultation with our coaches. ​
The physical and mental health of our players is at the heart of what we do
Coaches Code of Conduct
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Anti Discrimination Policy
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Concussion Policy
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Players Code of Conduct
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Privacy Notice
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